Monday, May 8, 2017

Be a Blessing to Others

25A generous person will be enriched,
and one who gives water will get water.
26The people curse those who hold back grain,
but a blessing is on the head of those who sell it.

Proverbs 11:25-26 (NRSV)

 Each day I rise with a prayer on my heart, “Lord, allow me to be a blessing to someone today.” In so many ways my prayer is answered. Today was no different.

The other day, when checking out at a local chain pharmacy, I asked the clerk how she was and her answer was equivalent to, “Meh.”

“Not outstanding?” I asked.

“No,” she replied, and then told me about how her apartment’s carpet had been saturated in a flood two days earlier and how mold was already setting in such that she cannot breathe properly to sleep at night.

My mind flashed first upon the FreshAir air purification units that effectively kill mold and mildew, especially new colonies of the stuff, and scrub indoor air clear of particles and odors. Also, I considered how MyFlexFactor™ might help with the inflammation from asthma. I wanted to share with her that I could help, but the line was such that I moved along.

After a quick trip home, I returned with my FreshAir Surround unit packed into a rolling suitcase for easy transport. The clerk—I’ll call her Jennie—took a break and I offered the unit to her on a 48-hour loan. Pleased, Jennie left with knowledge of how to operate the unit in an empty dwelling such that it would kill the mold already forming.

She also had a 10-Day Trial Pack of MyFlexFactor™, a supplement is designed to help the body heal itself. My hope was that it would help reduce the inflammation aggravating her asthma, and perhaps ease the soreness in her leg that had her limping. 

Thank you, Lord, for sending me across her path and matching the two of us that day. Your omniscient kindness is deeply appreciated.

With Gratitude,
08 May 2017

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